Worst-Case Dental Scenarios: A Knocked-Out Tooth

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Worst-Case Dental Scenarios: A Knocked-Out Tooth

It would be nice to think that once we're through the rough-and-tumble stages of childhood that the potential for losing a tooth accidentally is over. As adults, though, we're not immune to the curves life can throw at us that lead to emergency dental work.

The risk is high for people involved in activities and sports where it’s common to experience bumps and bruises. But all it takes a single “face plant” on the floor by tripping over an unnoticed object to dislodge a permanent tooth.

Knocking out a tooth is one of those dreaded “worst-case” dental scenarios, and what to do about it is serious business. Your ability to make calm decisions is crucial.

Immediate Actions to Take When You Knock Out a Tooth

Follow these steps to save your tooth:

  • Locate the tooth. It may be stuck in your throat, creating a risk for choking.
  • Apply first aid. If your gums are bleeding profusely, bite down on a piece of clean gauze until it stops.
  • Attempt to replace the tooth. Gently push the tooth back into the socket if you can manage it.
  • Protect the tooth. Do not scrape away the tissue still clinging to the tooth.
  • Do not touch the root. If the tooth is dirty, rinse it with water or milk.
  • Preserve the tooth. If the tooth refuses to stay in the socket, gently place it in a container of salt water or milk.
  • Call us as soon as possible. This is an emergency dental situation.

What Happens at the Dentist's Office?

We understand that damaging your tooth like this is painful and upsetting, and it is the reason we go out of our way to provide gentle and thorough care. Our goal is to keep your teeth healthy and functioning for years to come.

The sooner you can get to our office, the greater is your chance for saving your tooth. If your tooth is still viable, it can be re-positioned in your gum and stabilized by attaching it to surrounding teeth with a splint. This gives the delicate connective tissues the opportunity to grow and heal.

In the case where your tooth is beyond saving, you have options for cosmetic dentistry that allow you to function normally and maintain your amazing smile. For example, a dental implant, a bridge, or a partial plate. We thoroughly assess the damage and the give you our recommendation for the best results.

If you've knocked out a tooth accidentally, contact us immediately! We'll do everything we can to see you the same day so you don't have to wait around in pain. Let us help you get your smile back.
